DIY Toothpowder

Once I got invested in switching my shower products, (Make sure to read my Shower Products blog to find out my favorites) I started thinking of what else I could make more environmentally friendly, and healthier for myself. When I was searching for the shower products, a lot of links came up for all natural or DIY deodorant and oral care products. This got me interested in what other options were out there. It became apparent very quickly that most of these all-natural products have the same standard ingredients with their own twist. I was only missing a couple of the ingredients and decided to take the leap and try and make my own after buying what I was missing. After playing around with a couple of various recipes, I found ones I love and have used for the last couple of years. Hope you like them as much as I do. 😊 There is only thing I don’t have listed because I haven’t gotten it yet. I found out about this company DuraPik on Kickstarter and decided to invest in their vegan, eco-friendly dental pick and floss. I have the worst time trying to floss without the assistance of a floss wand. I can’t seem to reach the back of my mouth when I have to shove my whole hand in, shocker I know. With the DuraPik, you just wrap the floss around the top and tighten it. It is the first floss in the world to be made from 100% plant materials so it’s biodegradable, and the flossing wand is made from recycled stainless steel. I could go on and on about how amazing it is, but you can go to for more information. They should start being shipped out at the beginning of the year, so I will do an updated blog once I have had the chance to use it.
Since originally writing this post, I have switched up my oral hygiene products and have the full list of items at my blog post found here.
As far as toothpaste/powder goes, before making my own, I was using Tom’s toothpaste and it was okay. They work hard to make all-natural products, but I don’t like that you still have a tube to throw away at the end. They do have a program to recycle the tubes, but it requires sending the tubes off somewhere. Not only that, the kind of Tom’s I have (the antiplaque and whitening version) has sodium lauryl sulfate and carrageenan in it. There are varying views of thought on both these ingredients but based off what I have read, I would rather be safe than sorry and avoid them as much as possible. All this paired with how easy it seemed to make on your own, I had to try it for myself. I found a couple of different Pinterest recipes and made my own version of toothpaste based off them. That didn’t go as planned and I felt obligated to use it, so it doesn’t go to waste. Coconut oil was nice for my teeth but terrible for my sink and drain. Found out after using one batch for a couple of months that activated charcoal is bad for your teeth because it takes the enamel off. After a year I finally found a recipe for a toothpowder that I really like. Toothpowder sounds odd, but it’s a great abrasive which is what toothpaste is supposed to be. Below is the recipe I have come up with and one batch lasts me 3-4 months. This recipe has also been approved by two dentists I’ve seen over the years and I continue to have a clean bill of health every visit.
DIY Toothpowder

- 6 Tablespoons of Bentonite Clay
- 2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda
- 2 Tablespoons of Xylitol
- 2 Tablespoons of Cinnamon
- 20 drops of essential oil (I like using sweet orange and peppermint)
- I just mix all the ingredients together in a bowl with a fork and whisk to make sure everything is blended. Place in container that can be closed.
Fits perfect in an 8 ounce mason jar with a lid and lasts me about 3-4 months.