vKind Vegan Business App

I know a lot of people have heard of the Happy Cow app, which is where you can find restaurants, grocery stores, and food trucks in your area that are vegan and vegetarian friendly. Have you heard of vKind though? They are a vegan business app/website where you can find any vegan food, products, professionals, and businesses near you all in one place. It’s truly incredible because it is not just food based locations you can search, but there are other categories like education, health, non-profits, professionals, shopping, and even travel. I always say you vote with your dollars, and now you have a platform to help you search for like-minded businesses to use. The more we can work together to support vegan businesses who are working to reduce their carbon footprint, the better chance we have to make them the mainstream choice for everyone one day.
There is a term for this that they go into more depth about, and its VegEconomy. Per their blog post all about it that you can find here, “The VegEconomy is a socio-economic ecosystem built by conscious consumers and plant-based enterprises that have come together to drive compassionate innovation. The symbiotic relationship between conscious consumers and companies has propelled innovation in the research and development of vegan products, rewarding companies and consumers alike.” With the scientific proof of climate change and the daily destruction humans are doing to the planet, it’s imperative we work to build a community for vegan businesses and their consumers to easily meet. The easier anything is, the more likely people are willing to try it. I found this first-hand in all my years of running photo studios and helping with the digital ecommerce for Fortune 500 companies. The easier your interface is, the higher the probability the consumer will buy something off it and continue to use it for years to come.
Google has come to be most people’s search engine go-to; you still have to filter through all the listings depending on how Google’s algorithm picks your choices. With the vKind app, you can weed out anything other than reputable vegan businesses which I appreciate. Cut out the big box search engine and start using the specialized vegan search engine you have been looking for. At the top of the website and bottom of the app, there is an “events” tab and “vegbuzz” tab so you can even see what cool gatherings are happening near you and keep up with current events.
They also have a free vKind VIP program that you can sign up for, so you easily save and share your favorite listings. You also get access to special offers and deals that you can only get by being a VIP. I like the fact that you can see reviews and comments that other users have left, so you can get insight into whatever listing you are looking at. You can also leave reviews and comments for others to read which is very helpful. You get to be a part of a like-minded community that will help you be the best vegan you can be.
They also have a members program so you can add listings to the website and app. Members include professionals who are vegan, brands or businesses that are vegan owned and/or offer a fully vegan product line. No matter if you are the consumer or business professional, there is a space for you here and I love that.
We all know this world is not setup for vegans, so I love the idea of having one place to not only get connected to other vegans like yourself, but also find like-minded businesses.
You can head to their website here, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and you can get their app on Google Play or in the Apple App Store. I thought Happy Cow was a great app, but my mind is blown at the expansion of search choices on vKind.
Thanks for reading,