DIY Vegan and Cruelty-Free Laundry Powder

vKind Vegan Business App

My Fourth Vegan Anniversary
Nail Polish and Remover
Shower Essentials
In my attempt to move to a more sustainable, environmentally friendly way of living, I realized that all my shower products came in plastic bottles. I work hard to recycle everything I can, but who knows what really happens to that plastic once I drop it in the bin?
Vitamins and Supplements
Like most, I have always been into taking vitamins and protein powder in my workout shakes because we are told that will make us the healthiest. For a nation that eats a meat and dairy heavy standard diet, how are so many of us Vitamin D and Calcium deficient?

My Favorite Trader Joe’s Items
Good Ol’ Trader Joe’s, how I love you so. Anyone that knows me, knows that I’ve been a tried and true loyal TJ’s supporter for over 15 years now.