My Fourth Vegan Anniversary

Can you believe it? Four years ago today, I made the full switch to a vegan lifestyle, and I never looked back. I had the luxury of being able to switch out the main items in my kitchen so I could go all in on vegan/plant based cooking. It’s wild because every time someone asks me how long I have been vegan; it always seems like longer than the few years it’s really been. Looking back, it just makes sense I am vegan. Cooking and breaking down raw meat always grossed me out even in culinary school, and despite loving my time fishing with my dad growing up, I always hated the part where we took the hook out of the fish’s mouth. It bothered me so much I would get emotional at times, but I did love the bonding time with my dad. In hindsight, it was clear I should have been vegan since childhood, I just didn’t realize it with my family’s eating habits and lifestyle choices.
After four years I am so lucky to have already experienced some of the most incredible food from popular vegan spots all over the country and met and made friends with an incredible group of likeminded vegans and minimalist living people. On top of all that, I found a new creative outlet here on this blog with mixing my love of cooking, with sharing the best plant based and minimalistic living can offer. The gallery of pictures above are just some of my favorite moments, people, and recipes I have the chance to experience, met, or cook over my four years as a vegan minimalist. All the images go with blogs or recipes you can find on this website. Not every vegan chooses the zero waste/minimalistic lifestyle, but for me it makes sense they go hand and hand.
Becoming vegan made me take a look everything I use in my life and decide what impact it has on the planet and other animals. Unlike any other diet I have tried, being vegan was really a complete lifestyle change. I started looking at where everything I used in my life came from and what practices where used to make those items. It was eye opening for me and I am thankful that I now understand the importance of voting with your money by supporting companies with similar values.
I don’t live this lifestyle for the numbers, but it is so nice to see how my lifestyle is actually making a positive by using the handy vegan calculator found here. I love how the chart breaks down my carbon footprint in a way that easily shows the difference living like this makes. Not only do I feel great and no longer weighed down by meat and dairy products, but knowing this way of living is saving lives, water, crops, and CO2 is incredible.
Living this way has forced me to step out of my comfort zone in a variety of ways. From trying new foods and recipes for the first time, to finding companies that not only make quality products but are actively trying to leave a positive mark on this planet. I’ve met and become friends with a new and amazing group of people also trying to reduce their carbon footprint and leave this planet a better place than they found it. They make me strive to be a better person everyday all while finding new ways to sharing this lifestyle with others. Even if someone doesn’t want to become a vegan, knowledge is power, and I believe people should be made aware of all their choices. That paired with the genius of marketing, companies are able to rename ingredients and materials, so consumers don’t really know what is in the food they eat and the goods they use. I just want people to know what they are getting and how easy it is to find vegan and eco-friendly alternatives to almost everything on the market. I’ve also been making and eating the most delish food for the last four years and I think people deserve to know about them too.
I know this world isn’t made for anyone to live 100% vegan, but I’m confident I am doing the best I can with what I am given and that all that matters. I am forever grateful for everything I have learned on this journey, and I look forward to many more years of delicious food, incredible friends, role models, and finding ways to getting as zero-waste as possible. I plan on celebrating with vegan sushi and spring rolls from VeggiEat Express here in Vegas and maybe some vegan ice cream. Oddly enough, I found out last year that today is actually National Vegetarian Day so it’s very fitting that it’s also my vegan anniversary. Thank you to everyone that was interested in my vegan recipes on my personal Facebook and Instagram and giving me the motivation to share my recipes with others on this website. Without your interest and encouragement, I never would have started this blog and been able to share my experiences with you. I am humbled at the idea people actually care what I say, think, or cook. You are the best and I’m forever thankful.
Thanks for reading,